Client Support in Dangerous Dogs Case

Client Represented under Dangerous Dogs Act

Recently, our Mr Banks here at Kinloch Lawyers in Glasgow successfully represented a client prosecuted with an offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

What was the Complaint against our Client?

A Complainer Horrified at how premeditated and unprovoked these dogs had behaved

At the time of the alleged offence, our client was inside her home, whilst her niece was out in the garden playing with her three ‘Staffies'. The complainer walking past, the garden gate having accidentally been left open, with her Cava-Poo finding itself in a square go, against 3 Staffordshire Bull Terrors [sic].  Horrified at how premeditated and unprovoked these dogs had behaved, the complainer called the police.

Section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991

As well as prohibiting the ownership, breeding and sale of particular dogs, section 3 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 imposes criminal liability to a person (normally the owner) responsible for a dog which is deemed to be ‘dangerously out of control’ in a public place. This could mean, if found guilty; imprisonment, a fine or both. This also means a criminal record. Additionally, the Court can make an order for the destruction of the dog, or dogs, in question.

It is imperative that anyone charged with an offence under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, seeks specialist legal advice.

Kinloch Lawyers Meticulously Review the Crowns Evidence

Preparing the Defence Case Accordingly. To Ensure the Client stands the best chance of success.

At Kinloch Lawyers we ensure that we meticulously review the Crowns evidence and prepare the defence case accordingly. This ensures you stand the best chance of success.

As our Mr Banks submitted to the Court; ‘As distressing as the situation may have been, it would be absurd to impose criminal liability on a person, for the actions of a dog, where there has been no evidence led, whatsoever, that the person could have reasonably expected their dog to act in such a manner’. The Sheriff agreed. Our client was found not guilty.

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0141 336 3000

0141 552 6382

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